Why You Need This Book


Why You Need This Book

If you want to succeed in becoming the best you can be, read this book.

If you want to understand how Creation works, read this book.

If you want to change the way you see the world, read this book.

The old saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” definitely applies to this book!

I hope this book becomes as big a blessing in your life as it has been in mine.

There couldn’t be another book with a title that is more misleading than this one (and I say that with the greatest respect). If you looked at the title and thought, “Oh, another get-rich-quick scam” or “How shallow” or “That sounds materialistic; I thought this was supposed to be a spiritual book,” you’re not alone.

The content of this book is the farthest thing from get-rich-quick and shallow materialism.

If you do not believe that your thoughts are powerful, read this with an open mind. If you come from a conservative religious background and think anything else cannot be from God, read this knowing that the author was a Christian (as were other “New Thought” authors). I’m not saying people should be Christian; I am pointing out that the content may expand your understanding of how the Creator set up spiritual laws and results.

Many people–myself included–have benefited from the teachings of this short, simple, yet amazing book. It can be equally beneficial to you.

When you begin to practice a thankful heart, a focused mind, and a compassionate heart, your inner life becomes more peaceful. This short book leads the way, if you choose to let it.

You can read it in one sitting or contemplate one chapter at a time.

You can read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest its content. You can put it into practice right away. You can come back to it years later and gain new insights or welcome its wisdom like an old friend.

The point is: this book and the knowledge it imparts never grows old, stale, or irrelevant. It can benefit your life now and enrich your life for all the years to come.

Wishing you all the best in Life and much success in your Journey,
May you become all you are meant to be,

Be well.   Be positive.   Be grateful.
Get rich.   Share your knowledge with others.   Help your fellow man.