What My Site Is About

Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you find it thought-provoking and enlightening.

Throughout my life journey, many experiences left me shaking my head. I was often confused, wondering how or why things would happen—and why the spiritual belief system I was brought up on didn’t help. That didn’t make sense to me. Beliefs about God didn’t “line up” with my experiences, leaving me to wonder if God really “worked that way.” When I asked the tough questions, friends and others I respected would offer words or sentiments that fell short.

Have you ever felt that way?

If you have, I’m glad you’re here. I was floundering for a long time, looking for answers. Then some wonderful events took place, and my life began to turn around. I wished I had someone to talk to much earlier in my spiritual journey. So, this site was born. I want it to be a beacon, shining a light on subjects or perspective you may not be aware of or familiar with. I will share my personal journey, and it is up to you, my friend, to decide what you believe and what you do not.

After all . . . that is why we’re all here—not to be told what to think or what to believe, and never ask questions—but to take it all in and learn from everything. I believe each of us is on our own journey to enlightenment. I believe we all long to have a personal relationship with the Creator (even if you don’t know that you do).

I will share the process I’ve gone through, the experiences I’ve had, and the conclusions I’ve come to. Maybe something will resonate with you. Maybe some things will not resonate at first, but you may come back to it later. Maybe some things you’ll not agree with at all. And that’s perfectly alright.

I will speak from my heart. I have strong convictions and may express them as such; nevertheless, at no time do I mean to tell you what you should believe or what you should do. It is my desire that some of my insights will guide you to something new or awaken your spirit. What is most important is your journey and your soul’s development.

If something resonates with you and speaks to your soul, run with that; continue to explore whatever that is. If something else does not “speak” to you, then let it drop away.

What is most important is to live your life according to what you believe—not what someone has told you to believe. Your faith should stem from your own experiences, supplemented by words you’ve read or heard. What you accept and what you reject both shape you.

It isn’t the things that happen to you that make you who you are today; it is your decisions on how you deal with them.

The subjects on my site move and fascinate me. I hope they will do the same for you, in whatever way that is most beneficial to you. In here, you’ll find:

  • Spirituality for Explorers If you feel that the organized religion or belief system you ascribed to for so many years is no longer serving you, use what is offered here to help you seek the truth for yourself.
  • Science & Spirituality Are One It’s amazing how many things that have been discovered in science are not being taught or promoted. It seems it would upset the status quo; yet, the status quo is lacking. As it turns out, science and spirituality are not polar opposites, but complementary. Come find out for yourself.
  • Twisted Belief: Mind-Control and Its Effects How and what we think is fed to us much more than you may realize. Learn how “Twisted Belief”—also known as brainwashing or mind control—is practiced and the extent of this manipulation.

I wish you all the best along your journey.