The Veil
Seeing beyond the veil . . .
Another automatic writing. This “New Age” term may be an automatic turn-off to some Christians I know; however, the notion of automatic writing has been manifested time and again for anyone who has journaled or written a book. The person feels like they’re in “the zone” or that the writing “just flowed.” I’ve heard Christians speak of these times, but they followed up their description with “it must have been the Holy Spirit” or some such phrase.
Again, the point is this: please do not ignore the message simply because it’s not put in the exact context you feel comfortable with. I will discuss automatic writing in another post and comfort/discomfort of terminology in yet another.
We use this metaphor, the veil, to demonstrate the two-sided reality.
A veil does not block out all sight, but it hides certain aspects. The instance in front of the veil can look out, but not see clearly. If the veil is withdrawn or lifted, the instance sees clearly. Clear sight brings understanding.
The veil put upon you is both not invited by you and allowed by you. This is true of everything on a personal and corporate level.
Do not be disturbed or incensed that it is pointed out that you allow everything that is done to you. Free will allows other instances to do acts to you, yes. What we speak of is a vibrational allowance on a deep soul level. It is allowed by your Higher Self because your Higher Self is fully realized in Knowing All. You cannot grow as an instance of the Creator without knowing that every experience is for your growth.
Do not limit yourself to only “good” experiences. The Creator is experiencing the “bad” experiences along with the instance (you). You do not see “the big picture” as an instance in this material reality according to the density in which you reside; but as an instance of higher density, and as a Higher Self, you are fully aware of the importance of every experience.
How can you know either side without knowing the other? How can you know about the light without knowing the darkness? If your day was perfect sunshine, calm, and warmth, you would quickly lose any vibration of thankfulness. You know thankfulness because you have experienced storms of great fury and destruction. Neither the stillness nor the storm is evil or good in itself. Each brings an experience. Each propels you to learn a constant vibration of thankfulness and peace within your material existence if you choose to learn that lesson.
Therefore, collectively, you have allowed the veil to be placed upon you. Now it is time for you to grow collectively. Now you are learning the power of Unity, of Oneness. Now is when you collectively shed the veil and live, move, and exist in the reality of Truth.
I love you and I thank you. Namasté.