“If only you knew how important you are.”
I woke up to these words going through my mind, over and over again. The loving emphasis and urgency of the message are still so crystal clear as I write these words.
First, let me tell you that I don’t dream. I’m sure some psychologists would not agree. I know a great many spiritual folks would not agree. The importance of our dreams and their messages has been the subject of scriptures and stories and psychiatric studies for centuries.
My inability to remember my dreams has been true for decades. Even the silly, nonsensical ones that people laugh over as they convey them has been a source of envy for me. I’m just not a big dreamer (that I know of).
So to wake up from a dream, one I know I was having, with the final line weighing heavily on my soul, must mean something. Something important enough to stumble out of bed in the early morning to write this.
The impression I have is that I was holding a conversation with a being of light that is extremely important. Depending on your spiritual belief system, this can be interpreted as:
- my guardian angel
- my Higher Self
- an archangel
- one of my guides
- Jesus
- an ascended master
- the Holy Spirit
- a Guardian
- a benevolent being
(I think you get the point. There is so much we do not know. Our attempts to put labels on things we do not fully comprehend, and then claim we’re right and everyone else is wrong, is divisive.)
This message needs to be broadcast loud and long. The importance of each person, each person’s soul, and each person’s worth cannot be stressed enough. If we truly understood this, we would not speak poorly of another, not judge another, not project venomous hate toward another.
Most importantly, we would not do any of these things towards ourselves, either.
We have become so desensitized about the importance and sanctity of every soul that such negative attitudes and actions are common facets of life on Earth. It is an acceptable way of living. We many times do not give it a second thought. This desensitization is fed by lies—lies that have been carefully cultivated for millennia.
We have spent our lives thinking ridiculous and untrue thoughts:
- So-and-so thinks I’m not attractive; therefore, I must not be.
- If I’m not attractive, I should shrink in shame and there’s no hope for me.
- I wasn’t born looking like someone else who is considered beautiful or handsome; therefore, I’m not as worthy to have happiness and love in my life.
- If I’m not acceptable to others, I don’t deserve to live.
- If a group of people has different colored skin, they don’t deserve to live.
- If I don’t embrace what my parents or friends or people around me believe, I am unacceptable.
- I must believe what everyone around me believes; if I don’t, God will torture me for eternity.
- If a group of people believes something that I’ve been told is not true, they are evil.
The greatest lie of all? “It’s always been like this. It will always be like this. Things will never change. To expect anything else is foolish.”
In that case, I’m a fool. I’ll remain one until the day I pass on.
I do not believe that we are unable to change. I believe that we fully have the power to change our thoughts, our attitudes, our actions, and our world.
It is so very important for me to realize my magnificence as a spiritual being. I am created by the same hand that created the starry sky, the oceans, and the most beautiful birds. If they deserve to exist, then I must, also. If I am important and matter and deserve to live a good life, that must be true for all the other spiritual beings around me. If I deserve a good life even though I’m not perfect, that must be true for all spiritual beings around me, whether I agree with them or not. If they deserve every good thing, too, then I should not judge them, hate them, or speak badly about them.
Realize your importance, not in the context of ego, but in the context of contributing to the life of this planet. Mull that over. Pray about it. Meditate on it. Repeat affirmations about it. Do whatever resonates with you. Don’t stop until it truly sinks into the depths of your soul.
The realization of your importance is the beginning of love for yourself. To love yourself is to respect yourself. When you love and respect you, with all your foibles and imperfection, you naturally begin to accept the foibles and imperfections of others. Go out and spread that love and respect.
I love you and I thank you. Namasté.