The three most important lessons of our lives . . .
As I began to transcribe this post from the notebook I originally wrote it in, I began changing the pronouns. I stopped myself because it would be disingenuous. As I wrote these words, the grammar that came off of my pen was that of a group speaking to all of us humans.
This is known as automatic writing. This “New Age” term may be an automatic turn-off to some Christians I know; however, the notion of automatic writing has been manifested time and again for anyone who has journaled or written a book. The person feels like they’re in “the zone” or that the writing “just flowed.” I’ve heard Christians speak of these times, but they followed up their description with “it must have been the Holy Spirit” or some such phrase.
The point is this: please do not ignore the message simply because it’s not put in the exact context you feel comfortable with. I will discuss automatic writing in another post and comfort/discomfort of terminology in yet another.
These three states of being are the foundation of not only a life well-lived but of the survival of your race [the human race].
The human species must survive—and by that, we do not imply that it will cease; rather, it has the choice to live in a more perfect, optimal manner. Humanity on Earth is coming to a moment of decision. What will you collectively decide on how you live?
- Love — It is the opposite of fear, jealousy, and hubris. It is not romantic love. It is knowing that everyone and everything around you are instances of the Creator, also. All being one, to love all and express love in acts, words, and attitudes is to love you and the Creator.
- Forgiveness — It is just as important to forgive yourself as it is to forgive others. Both are necessary.
- Service to Others — It is more than merely serving at a soup kitchen once a week out of obligation; it is a constant state of being. The definition of “service” or “serving others” has nothing to do with enslavement. It is an expression of Love.
This is our message. We share this with you to help you with your evolution and enlightenment. What you do with it is up to you.
I love you and I thank you. Namasté.