I spoke with a friend recently who mentioned they had a particular suit jacket. “It’s a gray pinstripe, the kind you need to have on-hand for particular business meetings or situations.”
Makes sense.
“. . . but I hate it. I don’t like the way it’s cut, the way it looks on me, or the way it makes me feel.”
Wait, what? “Then why are you hanging on to it?”
“Because it’s the kind you need to have on-hand—”
“But you just said you hate it.”
“I do—and I know I need to let go of it.”
“Yeah, especially when you said you don’t like the way you feel when you wear it.”
If you don’t feel good about yourself, are judging yourself, don’t feel attractive, or don’t have a sense of your own power, it won’t matter what you’re wearing. People will pick up your lack of self-confidence and lack of power. You will lose the sale, the debate on what’s good for your business group, the chance for a second date, the chance for a first date, and the list goes on.
The point, however, is not the actual clothes you wear. You can exhibit your inner power and self-confidence—not your ego—no matter what you are wearing. It’s also true no matter what your job is, your relationship status, or the size of your bank account. It’s not the things we have that should make us feel good. The goal is to own our power and live with an inner peace and contentment no matter what’s going on around us.
Until we reach that point, though, there are things in our lives with which we have a symbiotic relationship, for better or worse: that favorite coffee mug that makes the beginning of the day better, or that jacket that always makes us feel less attractive.
So, how would you rather feel: good or bad? Powerful or powerless? Content or miserable?
These “things” we have a symbiotic relationship with exist for one reason: to help us learn this lesson, to mature spiritually, and to evolve into who and what we truly are. “Things” point out that feeling good is the state in which we should always live, or the bad feeling that we should live without. They merely point out the vibrational levels that we choose to live in. Choose to be in a higher vibration (contentment and joy). Learn to live in that state all the time.
How do we learn to live in that higher state? A practical start is to rid ourselves of that which makes us feel down, not attractive, not content, and not powerful. Practical steps can help us propel ourselves to make other choices to raise our vibrations or state, whether they be food choices, meditation practices, devotional reading, affirmations, and so on. One thing leads to another.
So . . . what old jackets do you have?
I love you and I thank you. Namasté.