I read this today on the ManKindProject page on Facebook.
You are not broken. You are not a problem to be solved. Solving your “problem,” whatever you perceive your problem or problems to be, is not the key to happiness.Golda Poretsky
Problems imply solutions. Life contains many difficulties. We too often conceive of difficulties in our lives as problems; therefore, we try to solve the unsolvable, thereby creating more difficulties (stress, pain, frustration, etc.). Problems are to be solved, while difficulties are to be experienced. Those experiences are opportunities to learn, to grow, to mature, to shed the old, to become reborn. And if you make the right choices, the person you become and the thoughts you now think and the beliefs you now hold create positive opportunities and things fall into place.
Sometimes, when you look back on your life, you can see how some of the most painful difficulties you experienced bore the most fruit—they turned out to be the greatest doorways, blessings in disguise. And when you come to that realization, how could those experiences be classified as a “problems”?
Learn to go with the flow. Do not fight against the raging current, but let it take you through the whitewater rapids. You may get a few bumps and scrapes, but the peaceful still waters downstream are worth it.
You are exactly where you need to be. If you can learn how to detach from the emotional maelstrom, and recognize that your current situation is another example of a learning opportunity that will be revealed farther down the road, you are learning how to be grateful for all things. For whenever we practice gratitude, we are at peace.