As you’re well-aware, our entire planet is going through a very turbulent time. Everything is happening all at once: all sorts of energies are bombarding the planet, the world is going to hell in a handbasket, you may be feeling weird sensations in your body (like heart palpitations), your health may be affected, your emotions seem whacked, you find yourself facing things from your past that you may or may not have forgotten about, relationships are all over the map, the rest of the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and everything seems topsy-turvy. Just nuts. Crazy Town.
So, how do we deal with this?
Let me describe WHAT we should do and then HOW we can do it. You may think my explanation is super-simplified, but it’s really not that complicated.
The first way out of all this mess is to concentrate on the eventual outcome, the future we desire as if it is already here. What does that mean? Do not think in terms of personalities. We tend to do that and there’s nothing wrong with doing that because we are spiritual beings having a human 3rd density experience. From that perspective, our souls in this material realm must experience all the earthly aspects of this life. So I’m not saying we aren’t supposed to feel anger, frustration, and fear as well as joy, compassion, and love.
What I am saying is that our souls must also experience the spiritual aspects of this life. From this perspective, our journey is a collective one, growing in maturity to manifest the real power of our souls, which in turn manifests and speeds up the 4th density ascension event that is coming. Our souls are tied to the Other Side, which sees everything from the eternal perspective. That perspective longs for unification with the Creator, which means we should think in terms of the greater good of all of humanity—not individuals. So particularly amongst all of us who are spiritually-minded, there should not be division. We may humanly have opinions, but we must unite spiritually.
This leads to the second way out of all this mess: do not to live in fear, do not judge others, and do not hate those who do not agree with you! We must stop living in the 3rd density angst and start living in the 4th density joy. Do not feed the fear! Do not perpetuate the frustration and hate. Part of the reason we are all getting so worked up about it is that we are powerless. We must each stop assuming there’s nothing we can do because we “supposedly” have no power to do so! Ladies & gentlemen, brothers & sisters, we absolutely do have the power. It’s just that we’ve been programmed to believe we don’t—plus many more lies.
It’s time to change that.
The power is within each and every one of us. Every single human has the:
- Power of Love
- Power of Forgiveness
- Power of Intention
The Power of Love is born out of Compassion for every other soul that lives upon this Earth and every living creature. This compassion is born out of the understanding that all things are connected.
The Power of Forgiveness is born out of Understanding that we humans are far more similar than we’ve been led to believe, and the universal “Golden Rule” goes much farther than expected.
The Power of Intention is born out of Knowledge that what we think and what we set our hearts on is far more powerful than we’ve been told—because, for almost all of us, we haven’t been told that at all—and even for those who know this, we truly do not understand just how powerful it is. We are far more connected than we’ve been told.
That’s what we need to do. Okay, so how do we do this?
We must all spend time in our spiritual lives, now more than ever. Do not use that time to set intentions for the outcome we humanly think should happen; instead, we should concentrate on The World We Truly Desire. Spend your spiritual practice on the overall outcome, not how we get there. We should concentrate on feeling the joy of everything working out, on our future that is peaceful and loving, the one in which discoveries & technology and helping & supporting one another for the benefit of all—otherwise known as “service to others”—reigns supreme.
The next several videos (I have no idea how many at this point) will continue to explain how we do this.
WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER. We must end the division. We can do this!
We need to drop the hateful vitriol, talk things out with no ill will towards each other, find what unites us, and sometimes agree to disagree without it becoming the end of the world.
What we need, ladies and gentlemen, is maturity. Spiritual maturity. Moral maturity.
We need to support one another, root for each other, and work together. THIS IS AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TIME IN OUR PLANET’S HISTORY. WE MUST COME TOGETHER. IT IS IMPERATIVE.
Because when we do, amazing things are going to happen. The best is yet to come!
Whoever you are, I am sending you Love, Light, and Peace.
I love you and I thank you. Namasté.